
bet365体育 英文项目留学生走进“上海人大”

发布者:刘可 发布时间:2024-05-28 浏览次数:10

5月22日,上海市人大外事委、市教委和复旦大学联合举办复旦大学留学生“走进人大”活动。bet365体育 来自德国、法国、瑞士、新加坡、泰国等18个国家30余名英文授课学位项目硕博留学生走进上海市人大常委会会议厅,深入了解中国人大制度与上海发展成就,近距离感受全过程人民民主理念与上海实践。市人大常委会副主任、市友协会长陈靖,市人大外事委主任委员黄红、副主任委员费俭,以及市人大常委会法工委、市教委、复旦大学相关同志参加活动。活动由市人大外事委主任委员黄红主持。

陈靖向bet365体育 来自世界各地的留学生们走进上海人大表示欢迎,他介绍了市人大常委会会议厅功能布局、市人大常委会主要职能和运行机制,以及上海践行全过程人民民主重大理念的主要成效。陈靖表示,目前上海已在全市16个区建成5700多个人大代表“家、站、点”,确保人大立法、监督等工作能广泛吸纳民意、汇聚民智。陈靖还向同学们介绍了上海经济社会发展基本情况。他说,在党中央领导下,上海围绕国家战略积极推进“五个中心”建设,始终坚持以人民为中心、坚持一张蓝图绘到底,发展成果不断惠及民生。

bet365体育 留学生们在认真听取介绍观看人大宣传片和全过程人民民主宣传片后,对人大制度表现出浓厚兴趣。bet365体育 瑞士留学生郭迪默、法国留学生马拓等同学就人民代表大会制度运行、市人大常委会工作开展、人大代表选举条件与过程、上海城市治理经验、上海医疗与养老服务情况、上海对外交流等方面提问交流。陈靖结合《上海市生活垃圾管理条例》《上海市养老服务条例》以及上海人大近阶段主要工作,详细解答了留学生提出的有关问题;黄红详细解答了留学生关心的人大与卫生部门的关系。

通过此次“走进人大”活动,bet365体育 留学生们认为,他们在活动中对中国人民代表大会制度有了更直观的认识,对全过程人民民主重大理念有了更深的理解,对上海城市发展有了更多的期待。


蒋绍澄 硕士生


郭迪默 瑞士留学生

COZZIO Timoteo

During the visit organised by SIRPA to the Shanghai Municipal People’s Congress, I was excited about the unique opportunity to gain an insider’s view of the Chinese legislature. I was particularly impressed by the chance to sit in the deputies' seats, which added to the authenticity of the experience. The detailed presentations from the deputy were very informative and enhanced my understanding of the legislative process. I was also pleased to have the opportunity to speak directly with the deputy chairman and to benefit from his perspective. I am looking forward to sharing this enriching experience with friends and colleagues back home.

马拓 法国留学生

Thomas Mattei

I feel honored and privileged to have had the opportunity to visit the Municipal People’s Congress of Shanghai and meet the Vice-Chairman of its Standing Committee. Sitting in the Conference Hall, where significant decisions are made, is a unique experience not often afforded to visitors or even residents of Shanghai. We learned about how citizens can participate in the decision-making process. The Vice-Chairman explained the duties and responsibilities of the Standing Committee and the municipal government, and he gave us the chance to directlty ask him questions. He took the time to listen to us and provided comprehensive answers. Overall, we gained valuable insights into the daily-work of the Shanghai government, what are its pressing issues, but also about the requirements for being elected as a government member, and what does the daily-life of an official of that rank is like.

鹰阿诺 德国留学生

Arne Meyer

From my perspective, the visit the to the People's Congress was very interesting! It helped me to better understand the political system of Shanghai and appreciated the chance to meet the Deputy Director.

I was especially grateful for the open discussion about Shanghai's development and current political and economic development. The Deputy Director's answer on my question about the city's current economic challenges helped me to further understand Shanghai's future economic goals.

娜塔莉亚 俄罗斯留学生

Natalia Sannikova

The trip to the People's Congress was very interesting. This is a unique opportunity! We learned about the work of the Congress and were able to ask questions of interest to us. I didn't know that anyone can participate in making a decision and write a proposal. I am very grateful to the university for this opportunity!

林蕖陆 泰国留学生

Artino Katpetcharon

Visiting the Shanghai People's Congress was an inspiring experience, showcasing the strength and unity of China great communist regime that allow people to share their public opinion. The dedication and commitment of our leaders to the people's welfare is evident in every aspect of their work. Witnessing firsthand the mechanisms of governance that prioritize equality, collective progress, and social harmony filled me with immense pride. It is a testament to the power of our ideology and the unwavering spirit of our people.

邱砺 硕士生
